What is S-Video: S-Video vs Composite Video

August 13, 2019 at 7:20 pm

S-Video is a colour video format that consolidates the three YUV video signals into two channels. It utilizes a round connector interface, and cable that transmits video luminance (Y) and chrominance (C) flag independently. S-Video alludes to a technique for analog video transfer that keeps the color and B/W parts of the video sign isolated until it arrives at the device like TV. This is the reason the video quality of S- Video. It has lots of uses like connecting DVD players, computers and video cameras.

S-video innovation isolates the video signal into two segments for luminance and chrominance. S-video can transmit a sharp image picture to the playback gadget since it parts the signal over two wires rather than one.

How S- Video works

Y is the luma signal, which conveys the luminance. This is the black and white elements of the video that also incorporates horizontal and vertical synchronization pulses.
C is the chroma signal, which conveys the chrominance that incorporates both saturation and color elements of the video.
s video

Super VHS (Video Home System) it is an upgrade to VHS videotape standard that offers an improved chronicle and picture quality. S-VHS tapes are almost similar in appearance to VHS. Super video produces sharper images than composite video as the video information is carried in two signals namely the chroma (colour) and luma (luminance) and provide wider bandwidth thus helps in offering better picture quality.